Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mentor Bri-Nylon Pyjamas for Men - 1970

Photograph courtesy of Steve Hamilton - UK


  1. I remember my first contact with Bri-nylon was from Speedos I rescued from the swim team locker room. Some of the guys were from New Zealand and Australia and they had the Bri-nylon suits that for some reason seemed to feel even better when they were sliding up and down my shaft. Later, I got to live in London for awhile and found even more items made from this nylon--also combined with Terylene sometimes for a really incredible feel. Now, years later, I found out the hard way (and not a good hard way) that not all Bri-nylon is created equal. I've bought things on eBay based on their Bri-nylon tag only to find out they were more suitable for car upholstery than wearing on my privates.

  2. Very nice. Great site, thanks for posting!

  3. Woooow I've never seen pjs like that..!!! Very strange!

  4. Yes all three should have been wearing the traditional nylon pyjamas!

  5. I always had melted bits on nylon nighties from heaters/fires.
