Thursday, March 22, 2012

Qiana Nylon Shirt by DuPont

Qiana is a silky nylon fiber first developed by DuPont in 1968 [1]. Initially intended for high-end fashions, it became a popular material in the 1970s for faux-silk, men's shirts, displaying bold patterns. The shirts were generally cut tight and included wide collars to fit over the collars of the double-knit suit coats which were worn popularly to discos.


  1. I was never a big fan of Qiana nylon--I sort of put it in the same category as Ban-lon which was more of a knit than a silky nylon. Qiana draped well and was clingy but it just didn't feel as good as regular nylon tricot. Not all nylon is created equal!

  2. I fully agree, looks good but does not feel as good as a pure nylon shirt!
